Nittany Valley Symphony Outreaching Traveling Educating Series (N.O.T.E.S.)
N.O.T.E.S. addresses the need to expose Centre County school students to classical music in a fun-filled, educational atmosphere. N.O.T.E.S. familiarizes students with the experience of a live symphonic music presentation. There are schools in Centre County that have minimal music programs, no orchestras and no classical music opportunities. Some students in the outlying school districts have never had the opportunity to attend a concert at Eisenhower Auditorium. This new endeavor reaches out to a new audience by offering personal attention to the classical details geared to students of all ages. We have an array of musicians who are fantastic at offering an educational experience that is inspiring.This interaction on a personal level with professional musicians will prepare the students and enhance the concert experience. Not only will the students see and hear a symphonic orchestra, but also they will be prepared to understand and ultimately achieve an optimal concert experience.